Our initial Outlook 2016 testing is successful for OggSync 10.1 Google Calendar to Microsoft Office 365 Sync. This was done using a new install of Windows 10, Outlook 2016 Click To Run installation and OggSync 10.1, installed in that order.
Our initial Outlook 2016 testing is successful for OggSync 10.1 Google Calendar to Microsoft Office 365 Sync. This was done using a new install of Windows 10, Outlook 2016 Click To Run installation and OggSync 10.1, installed in that order.
One common configuration question, which also happens to be the initial design goal of OggSync, is a user with both professional and […]
OggSync Add-in for Microsoft Outlook is available for download. It has the following new features: One-Click Install (no more unzipping first) fix […]
Thanks to Cellular Chatter for their kind words!
OggSync 10 Beta is now available for download. Natively Sync Outlook with Multiple Google Apps Calendars, Contacts and Tasks – Supports any […]